What did we do?
Online marketing strategy
Based on the insights gained from the research, the concept "Sterren van de Zorg" has emerged. The preliminary research revealed that Stellae Care lacks a clear marketing strategy. Several key aspects are central to the "Stars of Care" concept, namely brand identity, competitive differentiation, reliability, and social proof. The name also serves as the slogan for Stellae Care, encapsulating the mission of Stellae Care: "Together, we ensure fair and personalized care. We are the stars of care". It clearly communicates the target audience of this messaging—independent healthcare professionals.
The core of this concept is to engage the target audience through marketing communication, with the aim of sparking their interest in Stellae Care and encouraging them to enroll in a training program. This concept is based on the dual-sided strategy, as mentioned in the briefing.
About Stellae Care
Stellae Care provides specialized training for healthcare professionals, with an emphasis on improving practical skills and addressing the physical and mental challenges within the healthcare sector. The current offerings include courses tailored for home care institutions and independent caregivers, designed to enhance both the quality of care and the well-being of caregivers. Despite challenges in visibility and marketing, Stellae Care's focus on sector-specific training adds significant value to the healthcare industry.
Stellae Care's marketing strategy paves the way for forming a deep connection with the target audience by focusing on both the functional and emotional aspects of the training programs. This approach enables Stellae Care to not only meet the practical needs of potential trainees but also create emotional resonance, motivating them to choose Stellae Care. By stimulating interest and awareness, potential trainees are encouraged to explore the offered programs more deeply, either through the website or direct contact, with the ultimate goal of enrolling in a course.
In "Sterren van de Zorg," everything revolves around personal stories that inspire and motivate. In each episode, we invite an independent trainer to share their journey and the motivation behind starting a training program. These stories not only highlight their professional paths but also offer insights into their personal vision of the world and how they uniquely contribute to making it better. It's not about the scale of their actions; whether big or small, every story has its value, showcasing the passion and dedication of the storyteller. "Sterren van de Zorg" provides a platform for these remarkable individuals to share their experiences and inspire others.